Posts Tagged: beta testing

How Quality Assurance Can Help You Capture Repeat Business

There are many reasons to have quality assurance testing performed, two of the most important being customer satisfaction and repeat business. As a customer there is nothing more frustrating than a website, app or game that doesn’t work correctly, and as a business there are few things worse than an unhappy customer. Quality assurance is… Read more »

The Best Apps Were Thoroughly Beta Tested

Why test apps before customers use them? Well, the answer is simple, really: you want to meet the needs of customers so they’ll both like and use your app. A well-tested app will usually result in many happy and satisfied customers. An app that doesn’t perform the way the user thinks or wants it to… Read more »

How Does Beta Breakers Acquire Such Great Software Testers?

The backbone of any good software testing company is its testers. These are the professionals who are “in the trenches” so to speak and are tasked with the pressure-filled job of finding bugs in software and communicating them clearly to the development team. They must not just understand but internalize the necessity for thoroughly exercising… Read more »

When a Good Bug Becomes a Bad Bug

Everyone knows that the role of QA is to find bugs in software.  But what happens when the bug details are inadequately communicated to the dev team?  We are here to tell you that chaos ensues.  All you have to do is spend some time speaking with a developer who is frustrated because he can’t… Read more »