Posts Tagged: professional quality assurance company for software

Three Reasons to Outsource Quality Assurance Testing

Quality assurance testing is often an overlooked piece of the software development process. Whereas both producers and developers may think their code is flawless, they are nearly always mistaken. Quality assurance testing ensures that your product is bug-free and ready for release. For small, local businesses outsourcing QA testing is a no-brainer, but many times… Read more »

Why a Professional, Well-Functioning Website Is Essential for Modern Businesses

Regardless of the size of your business, a professional, well-functioning website is a key component to your success. Almost everyone is on the Internet nowadays, and there are an endless number of online stores for your potential customers to choose from. Need more convincing that your company needs a website or an update? Here are… Read more »

Why You Should Have a Professional Write Your Test Plan

If you’re busy developing software, the last thing you want to deal with is writing a test plan. After you spend so much time designing and coding, it’s easy to get tunnel vision while throwing together your test plan towards the end, resulting in missing key features. A test plan is one of the most… Read more »