Posts Tagged: quality assurance testing

Why a Professional, Well-Functioning Website Is Essential for Modern Businesses

Regardless of the size of your business, a professional, well-functioning website is a key component to your success. Almost everyone is on the Internet nowadays, and there are an endless number of online stores for your potential customers to choose from. Need more convincing that your company needs a website or an update? Here are… Read more »

The Importance of a Test Plan

Using a test plan adds structure and accountability to your QA cycle. You know exactly what was tested and what’s working; but, more importantly, you know exactly what’s broken. Test plans can be as high-level or low-level as you need, but having one is critical to ensuring your application or website does what is promised…. Read more »

How Quality Assurance Can Help You Capture Repeat Business

There are many reasons to have quality assurance testing performed, two of the most important being customer satisfaction and repeat business. As a customer there is nothing more frustrating than a website, app or game that doesn’t work correctly, and as a business there are few things worse than an unhappy customer. Quality assurance is… Read more »