Posts Tagged: software testing

A Common Misconception: Software Testing Is Too Expensive

Software testing is something all companies should perform before releasing software products to the world. Unfortunately, many companies choose to forego software testing prior to putting out software products because of the perceived costs associated with it. These companies falsely predict that software testing will be too costly; however, the plain truth is comprehensive quality… Read more »

Six Tips for a Successful Software Launch

A smooth and successful software launch does much more than just limit headaches around your office; it also influences the long-term success of your product. The product launch date may just be one day, but it is a day that involves extensive planning to ensure success. Here at Beta Breakers, we work closely with clients… Read more »

Using Automated Testing in Conjunction with Manual Testing

Recent years have seen a quality assurance solution grow in popularity. Automated testing is a type of quality assurance performed using a software program with scripts written by the tester. Automated testing re-runs test scenarios quickly and repeatedly, helping to efficiently gather large amounts of data in the shortest amount of time. Although automated testing… Read more »