Posts Tagged: software testing

Will Apps Replace Websites One Day?

With smart phones becoming the norm and more and more apps being released every day, people have begun to wonder if apps will replace websites altogether one day. Right now, most individuals use a combination of both – heading to the web browser on their computer or phone to get an answer from google, but… Read more »

Why You Should Have a Professional Write Your Test Plan

If you’re busy developing software, the last thing you want to deal with is writing a test plan. After you spend so much time designing and coding, it’s easy to get tunnel vision while throwing together your test plan towards the end, resulting in missing key features. A test plan is one of the most… Read more »

Proper Bugwriting

The software quality assurance process is, at its heart, all about finding bugs in computer code. After a bug is found, it is reported – bug reports are the most visible (and arguably most important) product of the QA process. The purpose of bug reporting, of course, is to provide a clear and concise explanation… Read more »