Posts Tagged: why you need to perform beta testing

Importance of Beta Testing

It is no secret that we firmly believe beta testing is important. Whether you are launching a website, a new app, or a new mobile device, it is important that your product is tested beforehand. Not only will you guarantee customer satisfaction when your technology goes public but you’ll save yourself a lot of time… Read more »

The Best Apps Were Thoroughly Beta Tested

Why test apps before customers use them? Well, the answer is simple, really: you want to meet the needs of customers so they’ll both like and use your app. A well-tested app will usually result in many happy and satisfied customers. An app that doesn’t perform the way the user thinks or wants it to… Read more »

The Importance of Beta Testing Video Cards

If you have neither the resources nor the time to maintain lab environments with adequate platform-compatibility coverage, know this: Beta Breakers does. Loaded with the latest in technology, operating systems, and peripherals necessary to test your products and test them well, Beta Breakers does, among other things, beta test for video cards. Able to generate… Read more »