The Electron Shop

“Our focus as an outsourced Chief Digital Officer means that we are developing a wide variety of applications for consumption on multiple screens and devices.  We rely on Beta Breakers throughout our development process, so that the client and end user experience is flawless.  Beta Breakers gives us the confidence that we’re producing great work… Read more »

Scripps Networks

“Beta Breakers has served a manual testing need for my team for many years.  They gain system knowledge quickly and pair the right expertise for the types of teams I need to staff.  Our schedules change frequently and my account manager is both understanding and flexible.  We also leverage Beta Breakers’ expertise around mobile testing… Read more »


“Because of the breadth of their skills, tools and processes, Beta Breakers is our go-to testing partner, especially for browser-based projects and mobile apps. Our relationship with Beta Breakers is such that we have tightly integrated them into our agile teams and work with them as if they were sitting right next to us –… Read more »


“Beta Breakers is our go-to resource for quality assurance testing.  They offer thorough and complete results with detailed reporting every time.  Beyond bug reporting, the team excels at overall usability testing and makes excellent recommendations for improving the overall digital experience.”