The best software product ever invented will fail to be successful if it is released with bugs.

  • Objective evaluation of the application’s behavior
  • Fast turnaround from initial call to posted results
  • Secure online bugbase with dev team access

When it comes to software testing, a “fresh pair of eyes” goes a long way to helping uncover defects in functionality. Developers may claim to test but given their close familiarity with the product, they tend to make assumptions that an end user would not.

An experienced Beta Breakers tester not only provides a clean, objective approach to software and application testing but also applies testing methodologies that others simply do not possess.

The result? A database of well-described defects your developers will use to perfect your software, website or mobile application.

You have spent tens, possibly even hundreds of thousands of dollars developing your application.  The last thing you need is to launch it with flaws. When it comes to software & website quality assurance, there is simply no substitute for professional, talented QA resources. Beta Breakers is just that.

Our quality assurance methodologies and storied history make us the perfect functionality testing partner.

What is the Purpose of Functional Testing

The purpose of functional testing of software is to reveal issues concerning the product’s functionality and conformance to stated/documented behavior.

What is the Methodology for Functional Testing

The first step in evaluating a product’s functionality is to become familiar with the product itself and with the product’s desired behavior. Ideally, this process is aided by documentation such as the product’s functional specifications and/or user manual. Even without such documentation, expected behavior can often be adequately modeled based on industry standards and tester intuition.

Once a product’s expected functionality has been defined, test cases and/or test procedures can be created that exercise the product in order to test actual behavior against expected behavior. Testing the product’s functionality then involves the execution of any test cases that have been created, as well as subjecting the program to a certain amount of ad hoc testing.

Ad hoc QA is testing that is not rigorously structured, but instead is designed to address areas that the tester, using his/her experience, feels are high risk areas. Ad hoc QA often involves exercising the program in a somewhat unconventional manner.

Certain portions of a functional testing effort may also be automated, but the feasibility of such an effort depends on several factors, and should be discussed with a qualified Beta Breakers engineer. Find out why you would hire a Beta Breakers engineer here.