The Importance of Usability Testing in Video Games

One of the more subtle benefits of having a team of QA Engineers review your product is that you are leveraging a team of people who frequently mirror the likes and dislikes of your productā€™s target audience. This is especially true in video game development. Read on to learn more:

QA teams act like customersThe Importance of Usability Testing in Video Games

Quality assurance teams are often full of people who play the same kinds of games as your potential customers in their personal time. Of course, there is no denying that having a focus test with a large number of people provides invaluable data for your product. Nevertheless, a quality assurance team can be leveraged as an early, smaller focus test on top of their functionality bug reporting.

Find bugs early before larger scale tests

By using your quality assurance teams as a small focus group, you can identify bugs before larger scale tests take place. In other words, you can find pain points before your resources are devoted to a much larger scale focus test, allowing tweaks to be made in advance. It is also much easier to have a QA team review iterative changes quickly, as opposed to a focus test which takes time to properly set up.

Here at Beta Breakers, our QA Engineers have a wide range of experience to leverage, as well as a wide range of hobbies in software. Many of our employees have interests in video games as well, along with experience in the game development process. We always are happy to provide insight and suggestions on any product we test in order to help it be the best it can be.

Written by Beta Breakers

Beta BreakersWith Experience in Quality Assurance & Testing Desktop Software, Mobile Apps, Websites & Web Applications for Nearly 30 Years, Beta Breakers has become the Premier Software Quality Assurance Labs and Application-Testing Provider - Learn More Here

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