The Top QA Tests for E-Commerce Apps

The coronavirus has resulted in a spike in online shopping. For many of us, this means buying our groceries or our clothes through e-commerce mobile apps. This opportunity can be an excellent one for e-commerce app developers, but only if their apps perform as expected. Customers expect a seamless, high-quality buying experience, and your app will need to deliver in order to keep those customers around.

One way to keep your e-commerce app running smoothly is by performing various quality assurance tests. Here are a few you should be using:The Top QA Tests for E-Commerce Apps

Functional tests

Functional tests focus onĀ what your app does, checking each feature to ensure that your app works as it should. This is especially crucial for e-commerce apps because if a customer can’t apply a coupon or check their shopping cart, they won’t buy anything.

Performance tests

Your app’s speed and reliability are two of the most important factors when it comes to user experience. If your e-commerce app is slow, or if it constantly crashes, customers will give up and stop using your application. Performance tests can check your mobile app’sĀ stability, reliability, and speedĀ to ensure that it can function during slow times and peak times.

Payment gateway tests

Your e-commerce app has one purpose in mind: to provide a safe and straightforward shopping experience for consumers. However, you can’t accomplish this goal without a proper and secure payment gateway system. Your payment gateway is the middleman between you and your customer’s bank account. AĀ payment gateway test, then, ensures that your customer’s bank account or credit card information will never be stolen or compromised.

Compatibility tests

Customers will download your e-commerce app onto multiple platforms and devices. As such, it needs to be compatible with all of those platforms and devices. A compatibility test can ensure that your app works seamlessly across operating systems and hardware.

At Beta Breakers, we can help you prepare your e-commerce app for launch.Ā Contact us todayĀ to learn more.

Written by Beta Breakers

Beta BreakersWith Experience in Quality Assurance & Testing Desktop Software, Mobile Apps, Websites & Web Applications for Nearly 30 Years, Beta Breakers has become the Premier Software Quality Assurance Labs and Application-Testing Provider - Learn More Here

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