Posts Categorized: Beta Testing

Everything You Need to Know About A/B Testing

cartoon of a/b testing with a website on one side and b website on the other

A bad website loses customers, and the same goes for apps. A customer will not be able to buy your product or service if they cannot use your website or app. Not only that, but a bad website or app can hurt your reputation and cause you to lose both current and future customers. That’s… Read more »

Six Must-Have Skills to Look for in Your QA Tester

programmer working on laptop at office. focus on programming code

When you’re choosing a QA testing team, you obviously want them to be skilled in quality assurance testing. However, there are other skills that your QA tester should have in order to ensure your software launches without a hitch. When you sit down to meet your potential QA testers, then, keep an eye out for… Read more »

Quality Assurance vs. Quality Control

woman typing on laptop

For most businesses, quality assurance and quality control are both important factors in determining whether you’re consistently providing a good product or service for your customers. While there is some overlap between the two concepts, there are important distinctions that must be understood by any business if it wants their apps or websites to function… Read more »

The Top 8 Myths About Quality Assurance

quality assurance

Here at Beta Breakers, we have dealt with a wide variety of clients. Many of these clients, no matter their background or industry, have many misconceptions when it comes to quality assurance. That’s why we’ve taken the time to write out the top myths people have about quality assurance so that we can set the… Read more »