Posts Tagged: Quality assurance for software

Why Compatibility Testing is Important

A cartoon showing personification of cross-compatibility checking

The last thing you want is a website that won’t work on certain browsers or an app that won’t properly display on a certain brand of phone. You may think that the above situations are just a “keep your fingers crossed” situation, but there are ways to ensure these things don’t happen. Specialized testing, called Compatibility… Read more »

Proper Bugwriting

The software quality assurance process is, at its heart, all about finding bugs in computer code. After a bug is found, it is reported – bug reports are the most visible (and arguably most important) product of the QA process. The purpose of bug reporting, of course, is to provide a clear and concise explanation… Read more »

How Quality Assurance Can Help You Capture Repeat Business

There are many reasons to have quality assurance testing performed, two of the most important being customer satisfaction and repeat business. As a customer there is nothing more frustrating than a website, app or game that doesn’t work correctly, and as a business there are few things worse than an unhappy customer. Quality assurance is… Read more »