Posts Tagged: software quality assurance

Functionality vs. Usability Testing

For individuals unfamiliar with the quality assurance testing process, it may be difficult to distinguish between the phrases “functionality” and “usability”. But to a tester, these phrases mean two very different things and are two important – but completely separate – pieces of the QA testing process. What is Functionality Testing? Performed to ensure that… Read more »

Three Reasons to Outsource Quality Assurance Testing

Quality assurance testing is often an overlooked piece of the software development process. Whereas both producers and developers may think their code is flawless, they are nearly always mistaken. Quality assurance testing ensures that your product is bug-free and ready for release. For small, local businesses outsourcing QA testing is a no-brainer, but many times… Read more »

Will Apps Replace Websites One Day?

With smart phones becoming the norm and more and more apps being released every day, people have begun to wonder if apps will replace websites altogether one day. Right now, most individuals use a combination of both – heading to the web browser on their computer or phone to get an answer from google, but… Read more »